List of Tamil words in Kurtop language -Bhutan
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Kurtop language -Bhutan
Dr. Varinkaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
Kurtop is an East Bhutanese language spoken in the upper Kurto region of Lhiintse, Bhutan, located approximately 50 kilometres west of the border with Arunachal Pradesh, India, and ranging from approximately 50 kilometres south of the border with Tibet to the border itself. There are approximately 15,000 speakers of Kurtop: Within Kurtop, there are a number of mutually intelligible dialects, including those spoken in the localities of Ne, Zhamling, Tangmachu, Shawa, and Dungkar.

Clues to read Kurtop words into Tamil
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; v= ‘ka’; letter ‘Ra’= ‘la’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
By jumbling the letters of the given Kurtop word, a Tamil word can be derived.
Ref; Kurtop /English/ Dzongkha Dictionary by Gwendolyn Hyslop, Kuenga Lhendrup, Karma Tshering and Pema Chhophyel.
English – kurtop – Tamil
*1.small metallic pot- kala- kalan / vessel
*2.a pot used in making alcohol- khatau – kudam / pot
*3.pipe/ water- kali – kuzhaai
*4.cry out loudly- kaira- karaiya -
*5.body- ku – yaakkai share- kui – paku
*7.go- kui – yaeku
8.put on the clothes for someone/ for child- kut- katti vidu ;ka- va; va= ka.
*9.basket- kuto – koodai oral tradition passed down through generation – kha jut- kathai- tell; kaathu koduththu kaetta kathai ; kaathu- ear ;kodu- lend ; kaettidu- hear ; - kathai- story .
11. together/ jointly- kha dom – koodi ; koottam- group.
12.separation/ divorce – kha bre- pirikai ; letters are jumbled /separation .
*13.solid- ket- ketti
*14.shut/ close- chut- saaththu
*15.hear- ko- kaekka
16.rope- githa- kadam
17.direction- katha- kadavu; ka= va; va= ka; kathi ; thikku ; letters are in reversed order.
* be bitter- khak- kaikka
* know- khan- kaana
*20.stone- gor- kar
*21.tell- khot- kathai ; kathaiththidu .
* gari- kaar / wheel have sexual intercourse- jak – seika/ do; oaakka /fuck.
* have sexual intercourse- jo- sei / do have sexual intercourse- luder - ozhuththar / intercourse fuck- jeda- seithidu /do; yaeththidu /mount; oaaththidu.
* suck- jip – sappu
28.wear- gin- anika; letters are in reversed order; ankki- clothe.
* wait- guk – kaakka
* zo- sei
*31.prepare- zo- sei
33.breast- ju – paachchi ; susi .
*34.victory- jekha- saaikka ; jeikka [Skt] . nya- meen
*36.give- tro- thara
37.give-drong- tharuka
*38.enemy- dra- ethiri
*39.write- dri- theettuthar
40.boat- dru- thuroani attain- drup- adaithar
42.stitch- drop – theiththar
43.kind/ type/sort- dre- tharam be connected- dre- inaiththar obstruct- drip – thaduththar cover- drip – mooduthar
47.brave- drau- theeram ;theiriyam .
*48. to be sad-thrui - thuyaram
49.wrap up- dri-pothi iduthar continue/ follow- throthu – thodaru ; letters are jumbled.
* tre- thirai
*52.pierce- pet- pathi
*53.perforate / bore - pet- poththidu
* twist- thri-thiri
* feed forcefully- tre- uoottuthar / feed
56.touch/ feel- trok- thottu arika ; letter ‘t’ ius read more than once ;thodu- touch ;arika- know .
57. to thunder- dur dir – idi idiththar ; idi- thunder; idiththar- to thunder.
*58.become- tak - aayiduka
*59.receive- tek – thekku
* teki – seithiduka
*61.sound of beating- tak tak – takku takku nu thattuka; thattuuka -beat.
62.put on/ light -tik – thee yaeththuka
* sharpen- dur- theettuthar
* grind- dur- idiththar
* grind- thuk – idikka
* ground into powder- tui – idi / pound
*67.pound- tok- idikka
*68.touch- tok – thoduka
* beat /hit- tok -adikka
* shelf/ rack- te-thattu; letter is read more than once. te-muttu
*72.treasure - ter- thiru /wealth
* to- uootti
* and clothing- togo – odukku /food; udukkai /cloth
75.praise- toipa- thuthi ; thuthi paadu ; letters are jumbled.
76.hand over- tot- thanthidu
*77.layer- to –yaedu
*78.edge- tha- ottu
* /wood- tha- thadi
* weave- tha thuk – neithiduka
81.weaving- thala- neithal ;mudaithal .
82.weave- thuk – neithiduka ; mudaika .
*83.knit- thuk - theikka ; inaiththiduka .
84.weaving- tha- neithidu ; thunnu .
*85.stove- thap- aduppu
86.fight- thap - adi pidi ; adi thadi ;letters are jumbled.
87.escape- thar - thattuthar; oaaduthar . wear ornament- thuk – aninthiduka
*89.insert- thek - thinikka
* limp- theng- thaankku
*91.spit- thep –thuppu
* break- thor- udaiththar
*93.unite- thot- ottu be cleansed- dak- thooyathaakku ;thooimai- cleanliness / pure ;aakku- make.
* spread- dar- ettuthar
*96.the sound of someone walking- dik dik – takku takku nu adi edukka ;adi edukka- to take step ; adi- foot; edukka- take.
97.pot- di- satti
98.cloth – dukpu- thokku ; udukkai .
*99. cloth - ade – aadai
100.cloth - ra- seerai
*101.cloth - chute- soodi
*102.evil -dut- theethu
*103.knocking sound- dok dok – tak tak dom - moththam
105.strong/ sturdy- doriri – uruthi ; letters are in reversed order. na- naan
107.disease- nat- noaei nodi
*108.disease- ne- noaei
*109.sun- ne- inan
*110.cow- no –aan’s wife- nene- anni /elder brother’s wife.
112.we- nei- naam nei – naum
*114.think- noni – ennu
* as/ likewise- pita- oppu udaiya
*116.throw- pet- poaadu
117.penis- jenggu- kunju ; letters are in reversed order.
118.fight/ wrestle - prat –poar idu /fight /to wage a war
*119.fear – pre- peeru
*120.fearful – prettok - peeru adaika ;adaika- to have .
*121.benefit- phen – payan
* benefit-phenthap - payan adaiya / to get benefitted; adaiya- to have.
*123.benefit- phenthok- payan adaika
*124.first offering to the deity/ before eating – phot- padai [ n] - brang- parakkai /flying
* phur- para
*127.snatch – phrue- pari
*128.snatch with force- phruk- parikka
*129.separate- phre- piri
*130.disconnect- bre- piri
131.move- ba—poa/ go bazar – paeram paesu /bargain; letters are jumbled
133.bull- bari – yaeru
134.short- bokto – kuttai
*135.traditional songs- boedra- paadar
* bra- paarai
*137.leave- bre- piriya
*138.pearls- muti – muththu
139.flower- meto –poo mottu ; poo -flower ; mottu /bud.
140.a small table- mete- nilai maedai /table
*141.arrow- da- udu
142.heat- tsa- soodu ; letters are in reversed order.
143.burn - tshik – thee iduka; thee- fire; iduka- make.
144.put in a hole for an ear ring so that the hole will not close up- tshut- oaattai ittu thoadu idu ; letters are read more than once oaattai- hole; idu- make; thoadu- stud; idu- wear .
145.the sound of cloth tearing- tsher- tar
146.scolding- tshota-thittu
* zet- seithidu
* zek –seika
*149.sickle- zorwa- aruvaa
150.number- ang-ennikkai ;enn kanakku .
*151.nun- ane- annai/ mother
152.wife- am – manai
*153.mother- ama- amma
154.mistress- amin – yesamaani
*155.mother- ai – aaei
*156.father- apa- appa
157.queen- azhe- naachchi
*158.grandmother- aiya- aayaa
159.forehead- authot- neththi
*160.expression of sympathy – ae- ayyoa ;root word is iyan- father .
*161.this-udi – ethu hand- yako- kai/ hand
* yakira- koor; koormai .
164.ankle- yongkar - kanukkaar ;letters are jumbled; ankle= kanukkaal ;letters are jumbled.
165.remember- yitna- ninaiththidu ; letters are in reversed order. rain – yui re male – mazhai maari ; letters are jumbled.
*167.shepherd- yodi – idaiyan ; root word is aadu / goat ;root word is udu /star .
*168.up there- yangi – ankkae rap- sirappu / super
170.ri- mountain – paru mountain – malai ; silai ; peeli .
*172. saw /cut – ru – aru
* saw- rot- aruththidu
* re- oru ra- mayir; roamam[Skt] .
*176.nit- riu- eeru
177.activity- la- seyal
*178.moon- la- al
179. moon- daka- thevvu ; ka= va; va- ka.
180. moon- dau- mathi; inthu [Skt]
181.wave/tide-lap- alai
* lu – yaeyil
*183.plow over- lo- uzhu
184.heart/ mind- lo- ullam /soul; root word is ullae /inside.
* die- sha- saa
* die- seka- saaka
187.forest- singdu -sinn akaadu ; sinna- small; kaadu- forest
188.urine/ children- shu – uchchaa
*189.pour out- shor- soriya
*190.shake- si - asai
*191.shake- da- aattu
*192.shake- sik -asaikka
*193.kill- sut- saaiththidu ; saadu ;sithai .
194.lion- sengee- sinkkam ; root word is ka – sun/ lion ;arima/ lion - root word is Ra /sun .
*195.pot- soidi – satti
*196.stove- soithap- soottu aduppu
*197.bring- ot- attu
198.kind- na- inam
*199.attach- jar- saeru
*200. bald- cete-sottai born – brang- pirakka
202.blacksmith- garwa- kammiyar
203.bow down- kuk – kunika
204.bracelet-khadop –kadayam ; kadakam; letter ‘k’ is read more than once .
*205.burn -tut- thee idu ; thee- fire; idu- make.
206.cabbage- kopi – koasu
*207.chapter-liu - iyal
208.cloth- khasha- kosikam
* dro- aaduthar
*210.down- ther- adiyir
*211.down- de- adi
212.dust- tsuma- thoosu soi- pusi
214.fight -cheda- sandai
215.finish – droi- mudiththar
216.finish-thak – mudikka kham- kunam
*218.hose- kalu- kuzhaai
*219.killing- sokcot- saaka adi
220.leaf- dalep – thazhai ; izhai thazhai ;letters are jumbled. barthot- saerththidu
222.make hole- pat- oaattai poadu ; oaattai- hole; poadu- make.
*223.perform- sak – seika
*224. pocket- pha - pei
*225. put on- tuk – udukka
*226.put on- kut- kattu
227.quickly- cotu - sattu nnu
228.slimy- calcio -kula kula nnu
229.sleep- dot- paduththidu / lie down; adainthidu .
230.step on- dir - mithiththar
231.sting- dung - theenduka
232.strategy- dethap- thittam
*233.street- thromyam –theru munai ;theru- street ;munai- corner.
*234.take- khor – karai
*235.tear- phret- peerida ;pirinthida .
236.thick - brauki – parukka/ to become thick
* – je- uchchi
*238.type- rik – rakam ; vakai ara ;ka= va; va= ka ; varkkam [Skt] .
*239.upper arm- kwa – kai
*240.wait- guge- kaakka
*241.wear/ hat- nun – aniya
*242.wrap up- put –pothi idu ; pothi- bundle; idu- make.